Promote your brand directly to over 2,300 Tennessee dentists through our weekly e-News Bulletin. Delivered to TDA members every week, this resource offers industry updates, events, and news—making it the perfect platform for reaching an engaged dental audience. Advertising in the TDA e-News Bulletin ensures your message lands directly in the inboxes of dental professionals across the state.

Ad Types & Rates

  • Creative Size: 728x90
  • File Type: GIF/JPEG/PNG
  • Click Through URL
  • Best For: Awareness, driving traffic.
  • Rate: 1 email ($100), 2 emails ($190), 4 emails ($360)


  • Creative Size: 970x250
  • File Type: GIF/JPEG/PNG
  • Click Through URL
  • Animation: 10-12 seconds max. (When using animation, include branding and call-to-action on first frame.)
  • Best For: Branding, awareness, more visibility.
  • Rate: 1 email ($200), 2 emails ($390), 4 emails ($720)
  • Ad Size: 180x150, Image/logo
  • 250-300 characters ad copy, excluding spaces.
  • Best For: Communicating value.
  • Rate: 1 email ($400), 2 emails ($790), 4 emails ($1,560)
  • Creative Size: 300x250
  • File Type: GIF/JPEG/PNG
  • Click Through URL
  • Animation: 10-12 seconds max. (When using animation, include branding and call-to-action on first frame.)
  • Best For: Branding, Awareness, more visibility.
  • Rate: 1 email ($450), 2 emails ($890), 4 emails ($1,760)



Submission Deadlines

Ad materials for the e-News Bulletin must be submitted by the 1st of the month in which your ad is scheduled to run. This ensures timely inclusion in our weekly emails.

Ad Specifications

We accept GIF, JPG, and PNG file formats for e-News Bulletin ads. All ads include one clickable URL to drive traffic directly to your site. If your ad uses animation, please ensure that your branding and call to action are displayed in the first frame.


The Tennessee Dental Association (TDA) welcomes advertising that informs members about products and services relevant to their dental practice. All advertising must be factually accurate, dignified, and aimed at providing useful information. The inclusion of an advertisement in any TDA publication or online platform does not imply endorsement by the TDA or its components, unless specifically authorized and approved.

All advertisements must be submitted in their final format, as the TDA cannot guarantee specific ad positioning.

All submitted advertising is subject to review and approval by the publisher. The TDA reserves the right to decline or edit any advertisement at its discretion. Please note that all ads must be paid in full prior to publication.


We accept payment via Visa and MasterCard only, as well as by check. Checks can be made payable to the Tennessee Dental Association and mailed to 660 Bakers Bridge Avenue, Suite 300, Franklin, TN 37067.

Please note that all payments must be received prior to publication to ensure your advertisement runs as scheduled. If payment is not received by the publication date, the ad will be canceled.


For any questions regarding TDA advertisements, please contact Janie Robbins, Marketing & Communications Coordinator.

Email Janie